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 TGIF! You're oh-so-close to being done with work for the day, and you have the weekend on your mind now more than ever. You have probably planned some adventures with your crew already, or maybe y'all are just waiting to see where life takes you. But did you know that there's an endless amount of things to do on Friday night that doesnt involve drinking? Seriously, some of us are so over being stuck in a crowded room with loud music whilst struggling to have a conversation with your friends. Sure, you could stay in and have a movie marathon BUT you're still so in the mood to do something fun with your crew. And snuggling up on the couch is cozy, but not quite ideal for making the most of your weekend. Does this mean you have to settle for the bar? Nope, not at all. There are at least five other things you can do this Friday night that are so much better.


Live music is always bound to be fun.There's something amazing about the atmosphere that music creates. Especially when you're surrounded by all of your friends, you can't help but get into all your best feels. You could quickly purchase tickets to see an artist you like that has a concert this weekend, or just hit up a local restaurant that brings in a live band — it's sure to be a Friday night you won't forget.


You're never too old to have a sleepover with your squad. Naturally, as the host, you'll be providing the snacks — or you could tell your friends to bring their favorite snacks along so there is a variety of what to eat. You can have all the fun of a usual Friday night right at home, and probably spend a lot less, too.


As opposed to bar hopping, have you tried pizza crawling? Cities in particular have a number of pizza places, and now is the best time to try every single one. Gather up your squad and make sure everyone brings their best appetite. 


The best way to wash the work week away is with a little shopping spree. You've spent hours on end sitting in front of your screen and letting all the stress pile up, so I think you deserve the shoes, and maybe that new handbag as well. Hit up a full-on shopping mall, or stroll down the little boutiques in your town's center. Tonight's not the time to worry about breaking the bank or being on a budget.


An amusement arcade is a venue where people play arcade games such as video games, pinball machines, electro-mechanical games, redemption games, merchandisers (such as claw cranes), or coin-operated billiards or air hockey tables. Even though games might not be your thing, the games arcade offers a variety of rewards for winning that could prove to be fun especially in groups with your friends. Some arcade games also have bowling areas and bowling is a truly underrated activity for you and your besties to do this weekend

And if you are not impressed with any of the above activities,


Who said you have to go out on a Friday night? When the work week is all said and done, all we really want is some sleep. Our brains have been way too busy, and "spring forward" can really throw off our usual schedule. You're tired of relying on caffeine to get you through the day, and still have all day Saturday and Sunday to make the most of your weekend. So, snuggle up in your pajamas and get to snoring. Tomorrow you'll wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to go as ever. And the weekend adventures will continue on, way past just this fun-filled Friday night.


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