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1. It’s free

Well, I know that might sound silly but free doesn’t really mean much to Zimbos when it comes to tech related workshops (my observation at least and please feel free to prove me wrong). Unless of course there is free food and/or refreshments. Nonetheless, I personally feel like free things should really be taken advantage of. I guarantee you that the next time you want to learn this very content Google is offering, it will not be for free! Or maybe you-yourself will teach the content you acquired for free someday at a cost – it’s called business.

2. No qualification prerequisite

Maybe some of you are familiar with the hassle of applying for a vacancy and the struggle of trying to make your qualifications sound like a cut above the rest. If you know what I’m talking about, then you know exactly why I put this as a reason to attend. Google, (as we know it) is offering digital skill courses and you do not need any qualifications to partake! Therefore, there is no restriction, any ambitious entrepreneur can benefit from this, regardless of educational background (which is not always a fitting criteria to use for most of us, but story for another day!).

3. Lessons applicable to any line of business

The general perception is that only tech related businesses should participate, but that’s entirely misleading. Google acknowledges that the world is fast digitising, therefore, to remain relevant in any field, there is need for businesses and individuals to learn these skills and keep up. Luke Mckend, the Google SA country director testifies on how local businesses have been helped since the offered tools and technologies are basic enablers that can be applied to literally any line of business. In fact, this is an opportunity for individuals to leverage the internet in order to give their businesses an online presence which is much more robust than the traditional way of doing businesses

4. Certificate 

Who doesn’t want those? Considering how much of a tech giant Google is, a mere certificate of attendance will go a long way in authenticating your career/ cause.


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